Niagara Rugby Union
A Constituent Body of the Ontario Rugby Union
Article I Name:
The name of the organization shall be the Niagara Rugby Union hereinafter called “The Union”.
Article II Objectives:
The Objectives of The Union shall be to Promote, Administer and Coordinate all aspects of Rugby Football within the area defined by the Ontario Rugby Union, hereinafter called “The Union Area”. The Union shall at all times be under the jurisdiction of the Ontario Rugby Union and shall function as an affiliate thereof.
Article III Membership:
The membership shall consist of:
- All clubs of the Ontario Rugby Union situated within The Union Area
- Rugby clubs situated outside The Union Area that actively support the objectives of The Union and whose admittance has been approved by the Ontario Rugby Union.
- The individual members of the clubs described in A and B.
Article IV Directors:
- The affairs of The Union shall be managed by a Union Committee consisting of eight (8) directors elected from member clubs and not more than 3 per club.
- Four (4) directors shall be elected at each Annual General Meeting for a two (2) year term of office except at the first General Meeting four (4) directors shall be elected for a one (1) year term of office.
- The Officers of The Union shall consist of President, VicePresident, Secretary and Treasurer.
- The Union Committee shall elect the Officers from amongst their number at the first committee meeting following the Annual General Meeting. In addition, committee members shall be appointed to assume responsibility for the following functions within The Union.
- Fixtures
- Tours
- Selection
- Coaching
- Publicity and Promotion
- Fund Raising
- Entertainment
- Discipline and Referee Liaison
- Schools and Universities
- The President shall be the Chief Officer of The Union and shall preside at all meetings of The Union and its committee. He shall report to the Annual General Meeting and shall be The Union representative to the Ontario Rugby Union with voting rights as an ORU Director.
- The VicePresident shall perform all the duties of the President in the event of his absence or his incapacity to act.
- The Secretary shall keep a register of all member clubs with the Names and Addresses of their officers. He shall perform all duties incidental to his office, which are required of him by the committee. He shall record the minutes of all meetings of The Union and of its committee and circulate a synopsis of the proceedings to member clubs.
- The Treasurer shall receive all monies due to The Union and shall deposit them in a designated bank account on behalf of The Union. He shall compile an annual statement of income and expenditure.
- Vacancies occurring by resignation or otherwise within the director’s term of office shall be filled by appointment of the committee until the next Annual General Meeting.
- Directors may be removed from office before their end of term by a 2/3rds majority vote of those present at a Special General Meeting called for that purpos.
Article V Meetings:
- The Annual General Meeting shall be held within The Union Area not later than the second week in January of each year for the receiving of reports, accounts and the election of directors.
- Special General Meetings shall be called by the President or by written request of at least three (3) member clubs.
- Notice of General Meetings shall be mailed to the secretary of member clubs at the last known address at least two (2) weeks prior to the meeting stating
- Date
- Hour
- Place
- Purpose of Meeting
- A majority of paid member clubs shall constitute a quorum at General Meetings.
- Voting shall be by the authorized representative of each member club and shall be one vote for each club, provided each club has paid its annual dues. One person may represent one member club only. In addition, the Niagara Rugby Referees Society will have one vote.
- Nominations for election to The Union Committee shall be made by any two (2) members with the written consent of the nominee to serve if elected.
- Committee meetings shall be held at such time and place, as the committee shall from time to time determine. At least quarterly meetings shall be held each year.
- Five (5) directors shall constitute a quorum at Committee meetings.
- Questions arising at Committee meetings shall be decided by a majority vote. The chairman shall not vote except in a case of equality when he shall have a casting vote. At the request of any Committee member, voting shall be by secret ballot.
Article VI Finance:
- The fiscal year of The Union shall be from January 1st to December 31st in each calendar year.
- Annual Fees shall be payable as prescribed by The Union Committee. All such fees for the current year shall be due on January 1st and any member club in default of payment on May 1st shall be removed from membership in The Union, at the discretion of The Committee. Reinstatement shall be made upon application and payment of annual fees plus a reinstatement fee off $25.00.
- Cheques shall be signed by any two officers
- A person chosen by the committee shall audit the accounts of The Union annually.
Article VII Discipline:
The Committee may take discipline action against any member club or individual member for actions that are detrimental to the sport of Rugby Football. Any disciplinary action taken shall be subject to the right of appeal to the Board of Directors of the Ontario Rugby Union.
Article VIII Amendments:
Amendments to this constitution shall be made only by 2/3rds majority of those present at a General Meeting of The Union duly called for such purpose. The nature of the proposed amendments shall be shared in advance of the meeting.